Ranchero road widening project to begin soon. Please click the link for more info: https://5il.co/14x8y
Dear parents/guardians,
If your student is an English learner, we would like to hear your thoughts regarding your school's program for English learners. This information will help us to improve the services and support that we provide to our English learners. Please complete one survey for each school that your children attend. The survey will be open until January 28, 2022. Thank you.
Estimados padres/tutores,
Si su estudiante está aprendiendo el inglés, quisiéramos saber sus opiniones sobre el programa para aprendices de inglés de su escuela. Esta información nos ayudará a mejorar los servicios y apoyo que les brindamos a nuestros estudiantes. Por favor complete una encuesta para cada escuela a la cual sus hijos asisten. La encuesta estará abierta hasta el 28 de enero de 2022. Gracias.
Hesperia's Jolly Parade December 17th from 4pm-7pm. If you missed Santa at one of his stops, join us at Civic Plaza Park at 7pm for photos and hot chocolate!
A friendly reminder about Make-Up Portrait Day! Studio 1 will be at our school on Tuesday, November 30th. Make-Up Portrait Day order forms are in the office. Please note: Office will be open beginning November 29th. Should you have any questions, please text Studio 1 at: 413-287-1234
Lime Street Elementary School
Access Code: B159
Veterans Day is tomorrow! There will be no school tomorrow or Friday.
We would like to thank our Lime Street family and staff who have served! We appreciate the sacrifice you have made. Have a safe weekend.
Families, we NEED you!
Our SSC plays an important role in decision-making at Lime Street Elementary. Please join us in making a difference in the governance of your school by participating and becoming members of the SSC.
If you are interested in joining, please email Principal Lewis at carrie.lewis@hesperiausd.org by Friday, November 5, 2021.
Halloween Costumes!
We cannot wait to see all the fun and creative Halloween costumes this Friday!
Unfortunately, we will not be inviting parents this year due to COVID restrictions.
or those students who would like to wear their costume to school, please adhere to the halloween dress code:
No make-up, no blood, no gore
No weapons
No halloween masks
Please wear clothes underneath or bring a change of clothes.
If students do not adhere to the halloween dress code we will ask them to remove or wash off items.
Smile! Just a friendly reminder that Picture Day will be this Tuesday, October 26th. Please note even if you do not purchase a package, your child's picture will be taken for the school yearbook.
We can't wait to see you at Lime Street's Trunk or Treat tonight!
Please click the link for HUSD's press release on Governor Newsom's COVID-19 Student Vaccine Proposed Mandate: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qYKB8sWyG6jgIz2tXgyJQSHPk1sHbWgdx6Oif-rMnLE/edit?usp=sharing
Save the Date
A bowl of candy, a bag of treats, a dish of tasty sugary sweets. Tootsie Rolls, Blow Pops, Candy Bars, and more.
It's all waiting to be bought at the store! So on your next trip, grab a bag or two for a SWEET DONATION to Lime Street Trunk or Treat and a BIG THANK YOU!!!
Please drop off any candy donations to the front office by Friday, October 8, 2021.
October 2nd is National Custodial Workers Recognition Day!
This is to show appreciation for our custodial staff, Mr. Mike, Mr. Pat, and Mr. Richard, who are dedicated to keeping our school clean and running smoothly.
Please take a moment over the weekend to give a BIG THANK YOU in the comments for all that they do to keep our facility safe and sparkling!
Join us on our first ELAC meeting of the school year! Acompañanos a nuestra primera junta de ELAC de el año escolar! Zoom link: https://hesperiausd-org.zoom.us/j/81400063321?pwd=NXUvTTlWRlBSRWJBdjRGWHNRNHROZz09
Meeting ID: 814 0006 3321
Passcode: 259167
Good afternoon Lime Street Families,
My name is Carrie Lewis, and I serve as principal here at Lime Street Elementary. In speaking for Lime, we want you to know our site staff is committed to creating a safer, more supportive, and equitable learning environment that promotes ALL students’ social-emotional development, academic achievement, and a strong sense of belonging.
To meet your student’s needs, we are aware changes and growth are necessary. One area of need is building a stronger partnership between our staff, students, and families, which means we need each of you. Your representation, thoughts, ideas, and voice can serve to create a new vision for Lime. We need you!
This journey of reuniting, reimagining, and setting each other up to thrive is only just beginning. Please join us on this journey to better serve our community.
This week we are hosting student conferences. Soon, we will be asking families to join different committees; we will have a town hall to gather information to serve our community best and strengthen our partnership.
We look forward to strengthening our partnership and amplifying your voices.
Your Principal,
Carrie Lewis
City of Hesperia Cleanup Day October 23 from 8 am - 12 pm. Register at www.KeepHesperiaBeautiful.com
What’s happening with our littlest learners?
Students are crafting various arts and learning how to be a Lime Street Bear!
What’s happening at Lime Street Elementary?
Students have been learning all about Daily 5! Daily 5 is a structure we use during our literacy block. Students get to work in small groups, while our teachers work to meet students where they need it most with guided reading, conferring sessions, and strategy groups, giving them personalized instruction.
Daily 5 includes:
Read to Self
Work on Writing
Word Work
Listen to Reading
Read to Someone
On our walls, you can see CAFE Menus all over our campus. CAFE strategies help our BEARS learn and practice very important reading skills.
CAFE stands for:
C-Comprehension: I understand what I read.
A-Accuracy: I can read the words.
F-Fluency: I can read accurately with expressions and understand what I read.
E-Expand Vocabulary: I know, find, and use interesting words.
Ask your students about Daily 5 or their CAFE menus today!
What’s happening at Lime Street Elementary?
Students have been learning all about Daily 5! Daily 5 is a structure we use during our literacy block. Students get to work in small groups, while our teachers work to meet students where they need it most with guided reading, conferring sessions, and strategy groups, giving them personalized instruction.
Daily 5 includes:
Read to Self
Work on Writing
Word Work
Listen to Reading
Read to Someone
On our walls, you can see CAFE Menus all over our campus. CAFE strategies help our BEARS learn and practice very important reading skills.
CAFE stands for:
C-Comprehension: I understand what I read.
A-Accuracy: I can read the words.
F-Fluency: I can read accurately with expressions and understand what I read.
E-Expand Vocabulary: I know, find, and use interesting words.
Ask your students about Daily 5 or their CAFE menus today!
Mobile Vaccination Clinics Information