Weekly HUSD COVID Update 12/2/20:
Most up to date San Bernardino County COVID data is as follows:
Adjusted new cases per 100,000 residents: 32.36*
Overall testing positivity: 13.98%
HPI testing positivity aka "Health Equity Metric": 17.3%
*Note: Most recent data as of 11/23/20
Source: San Bernardino County Department of Public Health
Current San Bernardino County tier assignment:
23.0 adjusted new cases per 100,000**
11.3% overall positivity**
Tier = Purple
**Note: 7-day average of the week ending on 11/25/20.
Source: Ca Safer Economy
Needed for next tier (Red) assignment:
2 consecutive week averages of 7 or fewer adjusted new San Bernardino County cases per 100,000 residents, 8% or lower overall positivity rate AND 8% or lower Ca Health Equity Metric positivity. Source: Ca Safer Economy
Free COVID Testing:
Community COVID-19 testing sites are being held throughout San Bernardino County. Samples will be collected using a swab in the nostril or in the mouth. These samples are then sent to a lab to test for the virus that causes COVID-19 (SARS‑CoV‑2 virus). There are 3 commonly used testing options:
Option #1: San Bernardino County Public Health Testing Facilities:
Click the link to make a free testing appointment: https://sb.fulgentgenetics.com/appointment/screen/landing
You can easily make an appointment on your computer or phone!
Walk-ins are sometimes welcome (depending on how busy they are)!
You do NOT need to have symptoms to test!
You get texted/emailed the results in under 48 hours!
Nearby locations: (Note: Click the link for exhaustive San Bernardino County list) https://sbcovid19.com/testing-sites/
Percy Bakker Center
9333 E Ave., Hesperia
Monday – Friday from 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Victor Valley College
71 Mojave Fish Hatchery Rd., Victorville
Monday – Friday from 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Every Saturday through November 21 from 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Option #2: CVS Testing Facilities:
You can easily make an appointment on your computer or phone!
No walk-ins!
Generally, you MUST have symptoms to test!
Click the link to schedule a CVS test: https://www.cvs.com/minuteclinic/covid-19-testing?icid=cvs-home-hero1-banner2-coronavirus-testing
Option #3: Consult your doctor for other testing options.
Flu Vaccine:
The California Department of Public Health strongly recommends that all students and staff be immunized each autumn against influenza, to help:
Protect the school community
Reduce demands on health care facilities
Decrease illnesses that cannot be readily distinguished from COVID19 and would therefore trigger extensive measures from the school and public health authorities.
Click the link for information on free flu vaccines in San Bernardino County: https://wp.sbcounty.gov/dph/flu/fluclinics/
Good Morning Lime Families,
We are aware that many of you are without internet today as a result of a planned power outage that is affecting multiple households. Please do not worry as students will not be penalized for lack of attendance today if you are unable to connect. We understand this is beyond your control. We hope you have a terrific day!
When should you use hand sanitizer? Read the science behind CDC’s recommendations.
Hello Lime Families,
We have missed you! We hope you had an awesome Thanksgiving break. This is a reminder that school resumes tomorrow morning with distance learning. Be sure to log in to your morning meeting at 9:10 am. See you there!
How should you wash your hands? Read the science behind CDC’s recommendations.
https://go.usa.gov/xVQudexternal icon
Why wash your hands? Read the science behind CDC’s recommendations.
Correction: School resumes with distance learning on NOVEMBER 30th.
Have a great break!
Hello Lime Families,
We want to wish you all a happy and healthy Thanksgiving holiday and Fall break. Remember that there is no school next week. We will see you back on Google Meet or Zoom on Monday, December 30th at 9:10 AM. Have a great time off and stay safe!
Before eating food at home or in public spaces, wash your hands with soap and water. It only takes 20 seconds and removes the germs from surfaces or objects you’ve touched https://go.usa.gov/xV9TPexternal icon #KeepHandsClean
Weekly HUSD COVID Update 11/18/20:
Most up to date San Bernardino County COVID data is as follows:
Adjusted new cases per 100,000 residents:
Overall testing positivity:
HPI testing positivity aka "Health Equity Metric":
12.62% *
*Note: Most recent data as of 11/9/20
Source: San Bernardino County Department of Public Health
Current San Bernardino County tier assignment:
27.0 adjusted new cases per 100,000**
10.5% Overall positivity**
9.3% Health equity metric positivity**
Tier = Purple
**Note: 7-day average of the week ending on 11/10/20.
Source: Ca Safer Economy
Needed for next tier (Red) assignment:
2 consecutive week averages of 7 or fewer adjusted new San Bernardino County cases per 100,000 residents, 8% or lower overall positivity rate AND 8% or lower Ca Health Equity Metric positivity. Source: Ca Safer Economy
Free COVID Testing:
Community COVID-19 testing sites are being held throughout San Bernardino County. Samples will be collected using a swab in the nostril or in the mouth. These samples are then sent to a lab to test for the virus that causes COVID-19 (SARS‑CoV‑2 virus). There are 3 commonly used testing options:
Option #1: San Bernardino County Public Health Testing Facilities:
Click the link to make a free testing appointment: https://sb.fulgentgenetics.com/appointment/screen/landing
You can easily make an appointment on your computer or phone!
Walk-ins are also welcome!
You do NOT need to have symptoms to test!
You get texted/emailed the results in under 48 hours!
Nearby locations: (Note: Click Here for exhaustive San Bernardino County list)
Percy Bakker Center
9333 E Ave., Hesperia
Monday – Friday from 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Victor Valley College
71 Mojave Fish Hatchery Rd., Victorville
Monday – Friday from 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Every Saturday through November 21 from 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Option #2: CVS Testing Facilities:
You can easily make an appointment on your computer or phone!
No walk-ins!
Generally, you MUST have symptoms to test!
Click the link to schedule a CVS test: https://www.cvs.com/minuteclinic/covid-19-testing?icid=cvs-home-hero1-banner2-coronavirus-testing
Option #3: Consult your doctor for other testing options.
Flu Vaccine:
The California Department of Public Health strongly recommends that all students and staff be immunized each autumn against influenza, to help:
Protect the school community
Reduce demands on health care facilities
Decrease illnesses that cannot be readily distinguished from COVID19 and would therefore trigger extensive measures from the school and public health authorities.
Click the link for information on free flu vaccines in San Bernardino County: https://wp.sbcounty.gov/dph/flu/fluclinics/
If you have any other questions please contact your child's school.
Good afternoon Lime Street Families,
You should have just received a call from our Superintendent, Dave Olney regarding Elementary School Hybrid. Due to the rising number of COVID cases in our local area, the decision has been made to postpone the beginning of our hybrid model of instruction. This means that we will continue to stay in distance learning for the time being. If you signed your student up for hybrid, we will keep that information on file. We will provide another update before winter break. Thank you for your patience and support as we work through the challenges associated with this pandemic. You can also visit limestreetelementary.org for more information.
Hello Lime Street,
This is Mr. Land with an important announcement. This week, our teachers are working hard getting their classrooms ready for our hybrid learning model that begins on November 30 with grades Pre/K - 3rd. Grades 4-6 start on December 7th. For this reason, there will be no live teaching or office hours from teachers after 11 AM each day this week. Teachers will be using this time to get their classrooms ready for returning students. Your child's teacher will continue to assign independent work throughout the day. Teachers will still have morning meetings and live instruction before 11 AM each day. You can still email or message your teacher if you have questions or concerns and he/she will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you for your understanding.
Happy Friday Lime Street!
This is a final reminder about completing your registration form for hybrid learning that begins on November 30th for grades PreK-3 and December 7th for grades 4-6. If you do not fill out the form by today, your student will automatically stay in distance learning when we return. If you have already completed the form, no need to do it again. Thank you!
The registration form can be found here:
Please call the office with any questions at 760-244-0512
Hello Lime Families,
Thank you to those that have already completed your hybrid registration form! This is a reminder that we need all parents to complete a registration form for their Lime Street students by the end of this week. If you do not complete the registration form by the end of the week, your student will automatically stay in distance learning when we return to hybrid instruction on November 30th. The registration form can be found at the link below. Contact the office at 760-244-0512 if you have any questions.
Thank you!
Check out this important announcement from Mr. Land!
Hello Lime Families,
This Wednesday there will be no school in honor of Veteran's Day. This means our offices will be closed and there will be no distance learning.
Also, please remember to complete the Elementary Hybrid Registration Form found in this message. This form is different than the survey that was sent out in October. Every parent MUST complete this form as soon as possible for each elementary school student in your household so we know where to place your child. More information can also be found on our website at limestreetelementary.org
Have a wonderful evening.
Hello Lime Street Families,
Please complete one registration form for each elementary school student.
More information can be found at limestreetelementary.org
Thank you,
Hola familias de Lime Street,
Complete un formulario de registro para cada estudiante de escuela primaria.
Puede encontrar más información en limestreetelementary.org
Parents and guardians, we are very excited to provide in person learning for our elementary students through a hybrid model! In order to safely transition all elementary aged students to an in-person/distance model, we will begin hybrid learning for TK/K-3rd grade students the week of November 30, 2020 and students in grades 4-6 beginning the week of December 7, 2020.
When students return to school for the hybrid model, they will attend for 2 days a week (Group A: Monday & Thursday or Group B: Tuesday and Friday) for 3 1/2 hours each of those days and then continue with distance learning the other days of the week. Your actual group will be assigned once we receive all registration forms. If for some reason, the group you are assigned does not work for your family schedule, you can discuss this with your principal. During time on campus, facial coverings will be required.
Depending on the number of students choosing to attend hybrid or distance learning, there may be a possibility that your student may be assigned to a different teacher in order to maintain the current class sizes or lower.
Lunch and the following day's breakfast will be a "grab and go" style at the end of the school day and a snack will be provided on the days they are on campus. "Grab and go" meals will be available to students during their distance learning days at Cedar, Hesperia Jr, Hesperia High, and Ranchero from 11:00-12:00.
For eligible students, transportation will be available. A face covering will be required and as practicable, social distancing will be encouraged. For those students being transported by parent/guardian, the campus will be open 10 minutes before the regular site start time.
The district is working with Hesperia Recreation & Park to offer the ASAP program for the students on site after the 3 1/2 hours. More information will be provided as we confirm this possibility.
Considering the above information, your family must complete one registration form for each elementary school child as soon as possible. This information will be used to place your student(s) in the same cohort and to prepare for the return of your student(s) to the school site in a hybrid learning model. The link to the registration form will be provided on our school website, sent out via text, and shared on social media.
If you have any questions along the way, please reach out to your child’s teacher and/or the front office.
We are looking forward to seeing our kiddos back on campus soon!
Hello Lime Street Families,
Please make plans to come through our drive-thru trunk or treat tonight between 4-6 PM. We will have multiple stations for little ones to get candy. Students are encouraged to wear costumes and/or decorate your vehicle. Come see your teachers and get a sweet treat! Please remember to stay in your vehicle and follow the map. We hope to see you tonight!
Information is also available on our website and social media pages!
Meet our ELAC President and new Parent Liaison!
Conozca a nuestro presidente de ELAC y al nuevo enlace de padres!
Zoom link: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84834443238?pwd%3DalZrV2dncUJaMjNHSExzUXlIK0x6dz09&sa=D&source=calendar&ust=1604174917182000&usg=AOvVaw0qAlisVmyxGbk9YSM9de-S